Sunday, February 05, 2006


diet day 2

- 3 slices bologna = 270 calories + 24g fat
- 2 slices white bread = 130 calories + 2g fat
- 3 pieces of lettuce = 0 calories??? + 0g fat (I'll ask Marie later ^.^)
- 1 tsp mustard = 5 calories + 0g fat (Mustard is a good replacement for mayonnaise)
scrambled eggs
- 2 eggs (hard to tell when scrambled) = 200 calories + 14g fat

Total this morning: 605 calories + 40g fat
(Note: take hard boiled eggs of scrambled, bologna has fat so don't eat with other fatty foods.)

1 banana: 105 cal + 1 g fat
total: 710 cal + 41g fat

Goal for dinner: 700 calories + no more than 10g fat.


bread 200 cal 6g fat??
3 slices turkey 370 cal 7g fat
lettuce +tomato 50 cal

10ish tostittos chips - 175cal 7g fat

795 cal 20g fat

today's total: 1505 cal + 55g fat

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