Monday, February 20, 2006


Diet day 16

5 french toast sticks: 280 cal + 12g fat (?)
4 fl oz syrup: 240cal + 0g fat
3oz scrambled eggs: 125cal + 9g fat
1 almond bun: 120 cal + 0g fat

total morning: 765cal + 21g fat

d.p. dough calzone (ordered out): 1 cordon bleu calzone, unknow nutrition.

total today: unknown.

total today: unknown: oooooo, spooky, sounds like ur tlaking about aliens XD
XD I guess part of the problem in the US is that people eat out a lot, or oder in food. So.... there is no real way of knowing the nutrition information unless you ask. But I doubt they would be able to tell you. When was the last time you saw somone order pizza and ask what the nutrition formation is. XD
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