Wednesday, November 23, 2005


some changes

Hi all. I made some changes to the template.
Well.... just color changes.....

Oh, and, what's the first thing a comp sci engineer has to do when he gets home on vacation?

1) Fix the 2 months worth of viruses and spyware that have found residence on the home computer.

2) Break the computer while trying to fix #1

3) Fix what was broken in #2, then go back to finish #1. Repeat many times if necessary.

Friday, November 04, 2005


somnus pro debilis est.

Sleep is for the weak.

The weak do not become engineers.
Therefore engineers don't sleep.

So...... I think the lesson is that if you don't sleep............
you might become an engineer.............................


Wednesday, November 02, 2005


My girlfriend rules

I recieved a package from my girlfriend.
She sent me a scarf that she made herself.
And she sent me some uber cool pens and ink.

She rules.

I love you so much. ^.^

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